With experience and passion by the project plant

We recently interview Nicola Cannito, installer of the Deep South and in particular of Altamura, “the Lioness of Puglia”, fi city was rebellious, beautiful and noble for its history and culture linked to Frederick II of Swabia. We are just over 40 km from Bari and 19 km from Matera, almost near the border with Basilicata. Nicola Cannito has lived on her skin emigration, he returned to Altamura and had no hesitation in questioning combining his professionalism and experience of the designer, acquired in Breda, creating his own enterprise hydraulic Acogei Srl that took young people to manage modern information technology: experience and innovation. A kind of integrated model that can address the needs of various types in the territory but also open to experiences outside confi it, Europe and elsewhere, with targeted collaborations to open up new horizons of work. It does not seem strange but outside our confi ni, especially in Germany, love and appreciate the good things done by the Italians!

But what “retirement

“My name is Nicola Cannito, I am 68 years old and a small business design and construction of mechanical fl uid. You can certainly argue, why not you withdraw in retirement? Maybe because I have fashioned, like all my generation, in the fight for survival and for knowledge: professional and personal. So the withdrawal from public life would be an act of renunciation, and not a time to fight for his life and the next. I was a migrant in the early sixties, from South to North of my country, from Puglia to Milan, with my degree in elementary school and a desire to respond to the need for a dignified life. Therefore, the engine of this migration was powered by two essential elements: the need to work for survival as a product of instinct stronger than the human being; the need to take possession of tools that allowed the growth of knowledge, of knowledge. I was a student worker in the sixties / seventies in that of Milan. Drenched period of great difficulty for the lack of time necessary to fulfill the commitments made and for social conflict taking place in the country. “

The return home

In 1981, after more than twenty years, I returned to the South to work at the OTB Spa (Offi cine Termotecniche Breda Spa), based in Bari, which produced machines for the air-conditioned (chillers P. and C. Thermal generators), as design engineer in the division of research and development, with the diploma in Industrial and professional background with an appreciable costruitosi in over twenty years of work and study achieved during my stay in Milan. In 1995, the group OTB Spa forming part of the EFIM was finally closed and all the dismissed workers. The possible ways remained: riemigrare the north of the country; to exploit the experience and professional knowledge accumulated and groped for a new experience: get in proprio.Seppure next to fifty years of age, the choice fell on the new travel experience: entrepreneurial. “

Thus it was born ACOGEI

“I have appointed the ACOGEI Srl (Construction Support Facilities Management), a plant engineering company for the design and construction of mechanical fluid, containing almost unprecedented for a small fledgling company, in order to provide systems from design to that of Delivery of all the supply and installation “. Difficulties in accessing credit “The diffi culty in this process have been and still are many. First of all the possibility of access to credit! Especially for a fifty without a business story in his spending. The only way to get credit from the banks was, and still it is firmly linked to the ability to guarantee with their assets having a value which is at least five times the credit lines granted. This was the big initial diffi culties, which has become even more prevalent today, with the onset of the financial crisis, which affected mainly small and micro enterprises. Now, a small business like mine, with its peculiarities, which wants to project its growth prospects in the field of so-called embedded systems, energy-saving, is once again great diffi culty of fi nancial type, offering this type of plant on a large scale. It would be needed specifi branches credit can affi ancare and fi nance projects providing integrated systems on a large scale. Therefore the subjects for an expansion of the market of this kind, from which one can not ignore, are three: user of large-scale low-achieving autofi nanziarsi: small production companies, condominiums, etc .; Company with specifi c design capabilities and supply and installation of systems with a high technological content and low energy consumption; branches of credit, which entrusted hips the two persons concerned, with a program of financing and the return of capital invested in the work. It is utopia? In our country it seems so!